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- The intelligent touch tap of this water purifier can display the TDS value in real time, allowing users to easily take water by pressing the quantitative key. It can also monitor the filter life and remind users to replace it in time.Let Waterdrop improve your quality of life and make your life easier.
- The integrated waterway design inside the water purifier is a revolutionary innovation that enhances the filtration efficiency of the water purifier while providing a smooth waterway. Moreover, reduces the risk of leakage and providing users with a high-quality and comfortable experience.

Your Ultimate Choice in Home RO System

Innovative Water Solution
First-to-market Healthy Boost-tech

Flagship Healthy Hydration
Maximum Capacity for Purer Form

Exclusive Benefits
Extended 2-year warranty! Worry-free Price Guarantee Surprise Reward Benifit

Exclusive Benefits
Extended 2-year warranty! 120-day Price Guarantee Upgrade to Platinum Member Get 35,000 Reward Points (worth over $100) Get a 10% Discount with One Year of Membership
![]() X16 RO System
| ![]() X12 RO System
| ![]() G3P800 RO Filtration System
| ![]() | ![]() K6 Instant Hot RO System
| ![]() K19 Countertop RO System
| |
Need Installation | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | × |
Flow Rate | 1600 GPD | 1200 GPD | 800 GPD | 600 GPD | 600 GPD | 75 GPD |
Pure to Drain Rate![]() Drain ratio stands for the ratio of wastewater and purified water dispensed by a RO system. For example, the 3:1 drain ratio means it uses up a gallon of wastewater for every 3 gallons of pure water you get. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Faucet | Smart faucet | Smart faucet | Smart faucet | Smart faucet | Smart faucet | / |
Display | Filter lifespan & TDS | Filter lifespan & TDS | Filter lifespan & TDS | Filter lifespan & TDS | Filter lifespan & TDS & Temperature adjustment | Filter lifespan & TDS |
Self-clean | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Holiday mode | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Electricity Required | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Filter Cartridges | WD-F1A | WD-F1A | WD-G3-N1CF | WD-G3-N1CF | WD-KJF | WD-K19RF |
Filter Lifespan | F1A-12 Mths F2-6Mths F3-24 Mths | F1A-12 Mths F2-6Mths F3-24 Mths | CF-6 Mths CB-12 Mths RO-24 Mths | CF-6 Mths CB-12 Mths RO-24 Mths | 12 Mths | 12 Mths |
Dimensions (inch) | 18.2*6.25*16.72 | 18.2*6.25*16.72 | 18.06*5.65*17.75 | 18.11*5.67*17.73 | 6.7*17.5*16.6 | 13.8*7.9*16.3 |
Model number
NSF/ANSI 58 & 372
Pure to drain
Product dimensions
18.2 * 6.25* 16.72
Item weight
36.92 pounds
Smart Screen Faucet
Flow rate
1600 gallons per day (GPD), 1.11 gallon per minute (GPM)
Indoor or outdoor use
Indoor use only
Electricity Required
What is the maximum flow rate of this under-sink RO water filter?
Can you detail the filtering performance of this reverse osmosis system?
Does this RO system offer remineralization to enhance water quality?
How easy is it to install this water filter, and do I need professional help?
What’s cool about the smart faucet included with this undersink reverse osmosis system?
If I have any issues, who can I contact for support?

- Provides up to 12 months or 1,100 gallons of clean water.

- Provides up to 6 months or 550 gallons of clean water.

- Provides up to 24 months or 2,200 gallons of clean water.
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