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- It takes just 3 seconds to get instant hot water for your soothing teas, refereshing coffees, and everything else. With the adjustable temperature& volume settings, this countertop instant heating RO system is perfect for every occassion.
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- You get 5 temperature and volume options, alongside a Favorite Mode where you can set your preferred temperature and volume. With the versatility of this countertop RO system, you can now enjoy a perfect cup of water whenever and wherever.

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- Dispensing 3 cups of clean water results in just 1 cup of wastewater, maximizing water savings and delivering significant environmental benefits.
- Twist and pull design. Easy for filter replacement.
- 12-month long service life. Just pay 0.2 dollars every day, and you can continuously enjoy a convenient water purification experience.

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USD 299
75 GPD
Instant Hot Water
5-stage Deep Filtration
5-mode Customizable Water Capacity
5-mode Temperature Options
41-203 °F/5-95°C
Smart Display
3: 1 Pure to Drain Ration

USD 249
75 GPD
5-stage Deep Filtration
5-mode Customizable Water Capacity
41-100 °F/5-38°C
Smart Display
3: 1 Pure to Drain Ration
![]() WD-C1H
Add to Cart | ![]() WD-C1S
Add to Cart | ![]() Add to Cart | ![]() WD-K19-H
Add to Cart | ![]() WD-K19-S
Add to Cart | ![]() WD-N1-W
Add to Cart | |
Customer rating | ||||||
Price | ||||||
Daily Production Rate | 75 GPD | 75 GPD | 100 GPD | 75 GPD | 75 GPD | 75 GPD |
Pure to Drain Rate![]() Drain ratio stands for the ratio of wastewater and purified water dispensed by a RO system. For example, the 3:1 drain ratio means it uses up a gallon of wastewater for every 3 gallons of pure water you get. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Display | Filter lifespan & Water volume & Water temperature | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume & Water temperature | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume & Water temperature | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume |
Water Capacity Options | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
Water Tank Capacity | 110 OZ | 110 OZ | 204 Oz | 170 Oz | 170 Oz | 135 oz |
Self-clean | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Electricity Required | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Need Installation | × | × | × | × | × | × |
Filter Cartridges | WD-C1RF | WD-C1RF | WD-A1-CF | WD-K19RF | WD-K19RF | WD-N1-CF |
Filter Lifespan | 12 Mths | 12 Mths | WD-A1-CF: 6 Months WD-A1-RO: 12 Months | 12 Mths | 12 Mths | CF-6 Mths MRO-18 Mths |
Dimensions (inch) | 15.6” *10.9” *17.0” | 15.6” *10.9” *17.0” | 18.3” *7.8” *17.1” | 15.51″ * 9.2″ * 17.56″ | 15.51″ * 9.2″ * 17.56″ | 17.1×7.0×15.5 |
Size (L*W*H)
15.6" *10.9" *17.0"
Feed Water Temperature
41-100 °F/5-38°C
Daily Production Rate
75 GPD
Feed Water Requirement
Municipal Tap Water
1700 W
System Voltage
Rated Frequency
50-60 Hz
Feed Water Tank Capacity
Pure water tank Capacity
1L/0.26 G
What is the filtration performance of the RO water system?
How long does the filtration system last before needing a replacement?
How can I use its inner pure water tank?
Can I use Settings to get the volume of water I want?
What is the temp range for the hot water produced by the RO system?

- Provides you with 12 months or 1,000 gallons of clean filtered water.
- Replace the water filter in 3 seconds with a single twist. No tools are required.
- Reduce most contaminants and improves the taste of water.
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