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- The smart touch screen in this countertop RO water filter provides the TDS level and filter lifespan at a glance. Operating this system is seamless, and obtaining clean, refreshing water is smooth.

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- Dispensing 3 cups of clean water results in just 1 cup of wastewater, maximizing water savings and delivering significant environmental benefits.
- Twist and pull design. Easy for filter replacement.
- 12-month long service life. Just pay 0.2 dollars every day, and you can continuously enjoy a convenient water purification experience.

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USD 249
75 GPD
5-stage Deep Filtration
5-mode Customizable Water Capacity
41-100 °F/5-38°C
Smart Display
3: 1 Pure to Drain Ration

USD 299
75 GPD
Instant Hot Water
5-stage Deep Filtration
5-mode Customizable Water Capacity
5-mode Temperature Options
41-203 °F/5-95°C
Smart Display
3: 1 Pure to Drain Ration
![]() WD-C1S
Add to Cart | ![]() WD-C1H
Add to Cart | ![]() Add to Cart | ![]() WD-K19-H
Add to Cart | ![]() WD-K19-S
Add to Cart | ![]() WD-N1-W
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Customer rating | ||||||
Price | ||||||
Daily Production Rate | 75 GPD | 75 GPD | 100 GPD | 75 GPD | 75 GPD | 75 GPD |
Pure to Drain Rate![]() Drain ratio stands for the ratio of wastewater and purified water dispensed by a RO system. For example, the 3:1 drain ratio means it uses up a gallon of wastewater for every 3 gallons of pure water you get. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Display | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume | Filter lifespan & Water volume & Water temperature | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume & Water temperature | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume & Water temperature | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume | Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume |
Water Capacity Options | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
Water Tank Capacity | 110 OZ | 110 OZ | 204 Oz | 170 Oz | 170 Oz | 135 oz |
Self-clean | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Electricity Required | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Need Installation | × | × | × | × | × | × |
Filter Cartridges | WD-C1RF | WD-C1RF | WD-A1-CF | WD-K19RF | WD-K19RF | WD-N1-CF |
Filter Lifespan | 12 Mths | 12 Mths | WD-A1-CF: 6 Months WD-A1-RO: 12 Months | 12 Mths | 12 Mths | CF-6 Mths MRO-18 Mths |
Dimensions (inch) | 15.6” *10.9” *17.0” | 15.6” *10.9” *17.0” | 18.3” *7.8” *17.1” | 15.51″ * 9.2″ * 17.56″ | 15.51″ * 9.2″ * 17.56″ | 17.1×7.0×15.5 |
Size (L*W*H)
15.6" *10.9" *17.0"
Feed Water Temperature
41-100 °F/5-38°C
Daily Production Rate
75 GPD
Feed Water Requirement
Municipal Tap Water
50 W
System Voltage
100-240 V
Rated Frequency
50-60 Hz
Feed Water Tank Capacity
Pure water tank Capacity
1L/0.26 G
What is the filtration performance of the RO water system?
How does the water quality from this RO system compare to bottled water?
Is the installation of this RO system something I can manage?
How long does the filtration system last before needing a replacement?
How can I use its inner pure water tank?
Can I use Settings to get the volume of water I want?

- Provides you with 12 months or 1,000 gallons of clean filtered water.
- Replace the water filter in 3 seconds with a single twist. No tools are required.
- Reduce most contaminants and improves the taste of water.
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